Unique Ways to Learn the Living Passages
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While you are learning Biblical passages you are going to walk in the footsteps of Paul, lead by popular Bible explorer and other great Bible teachers. The Bible teachings will be performed on board and on shore, and learning experience will never be the same as teachings are going to be done in amazing settings, picture yourself sit in the amphitheatre where the Apostle Paul spoke.
For vacationers with more flexible time, you can join the additional visit to Malta, home of the Paul's anchors from Acts 27 & 28. You are going to meet the divers who assisted with the discovery while you are there. The Bible Cruises will bring you unforgettable experience. You will see where Paul lived and boat out on the sea to the actual site of the ship wreck outlined in Acts 27. Join one of most unique ways to learn the living passages, join this amazing Christian Cruises!
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